The series of watercolour landscapes
“British islands”

I found inspiration on England and Wales streets.
I was so excited and inspired when I saw London’s streets for the first time.

Read more about the series down below..


About “British islands”


Everything was full bright colours, depth purple-blue shadows. Brick walls have had different from sandy-green to rich burgundy shades. These colours were emphasized by white windows and black metal fences and decorative elements. The incredible blue sky, red-white houses, bright-green trees and grass, and thin black elegance lines look like graphic lines on a pictorial canvas.

These views inspired me to try use watercolour and ink together. I used these tools in combination, but I have never had drawn at wet paper by ink. An ink gives some interesting texture and accent spots. The complementary combination of these elegance lines with powerful wide hatches and texture ink spots are created expressive artistic image and reflected my individual, original style.

Also, I remembered one old method of creation beautiful old-fashion paper I know from my art teacher. This trick helped me to do warm, peaceful atmosphere in my artworks. I wanted to add some history and make each picture look like it had a life story.

I'm revealing a beauty of Britain in this series. You can find different images of towns like London, Cambridge and little place as Box Hill. I’m going to continue explore this great country and to depict British landscapes in this style.

I’m proud of my series “British islands” and I hope you will enjoy it too.




The Accidental