The series of ink drawings
“The Accidental”

Some of the greatest things are happened accidentally. Somebody met his love or best friend completely by accident. Sometimes people's live may change without any plans. There are brilliant inventions made by mistake.

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This is interesting and strange phenomenon, but spontaneous actions can have got important meaning or their outcom may became important part of your life.

A series of artwork “The Accidental” wondered me by its unpredictable character.

I've had an idea when I started work on first picture and I knew what I want to get. However, near the middle of progress everything has changed. It was like magic! My picture took my hand and led me towards a new unusual experience.

I’ve never worked so freely, every move was totally non-standardly, freshly. It was like dance with a brush, pencil and me on paper floor. I was in meditation flow. At time when I felt I should stop I saw an incredible artwork. I thought at that moment I created a unique one.

Later on, I’ve done the second artwork in the series. It has sligtly different character. It become stronger and brighter. The nature here (The River Thames) is complemented by a powerful view – HMS Belfast, Tower of London, Tower Bridge. There are symbols of power and majesty of Great British.

This series is a live system and I believe, it will be to lead me towards new art ways. And now, I may say I’ve got a plan to continue the immensely interesting strong project.


British islands


Nature in the glass